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23 November 2023
Berlin, Germany
RegMed Forum 2023


Program Moderator: Dr. Timo Nazari-Shafti, BCRT & DHZC

08:30 a.m.

Registration & Welcome Coffee

09:00 a.m.

Welcome Address
Dr. Timo Nazari-Shafti, BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT) & Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité (DHZC)
Prof. Christopher Baum
, BIH at Charité (online)
Dr. Jasmin Podufall
, Berlin Partner & HealthCapital

Scientific Input and Discussion
09:15 a.m.

Prof. Atta Behfar,
Mayo Clinic (online)

Lead question: 

How can patients shape novel therapy developments? (vision or use-cases)
09:35 a.m.
09:40 a.m.
Peter Böhm, Patient representative (Field: rheumatology)
Franziska Bleis
, Patient (Field: cardio)

09:45 a.m.

Panel Discussion
  • Dr. Ruth Biller, Chair of the European Patients' Representative Group in the ERN GUARD-Heart, Founding member of ARVC Self Help
  • Dr. Dr. André Berger, Head of Innovation Office Paul-Ehrlich-Institute
  • Prof. Maximillian Emmert, Head of Translational Cardiovascular Regenerative Technologies group
  • Prof. Olaf Weber, Entrepreneur and advisor, former head of R&D Radiology at Bayer
Lead question:

Requirements for inclusive ATMP development for common diseases
10:30 a.m.


Break-Out Sessions four passes in rotation (20 min per round)
11:00 a.m.
Introduction World Coffee (Dr. Timo Nazari-Shafti, BCRT & DHZC)

World Café “Patients” (Dr. Felix Fischer, Charité)
Lead questions:
How can PROMs be brought into greater use?
How can we better represent different patient views.
How can we integrate the patient perspective more strongly in the conduct of clinical trials?

World Café “Regulatory Affairs” (Dr. Christoph Conrad, BIH at Charité)
Lead questions:
Which regulatory aspects could strengthen and further the innovative potential in Germany? How to de-risk ATMP clinical trials from a regulatory perspective? How to better interact with regulatory instances?

World Café “Industry” (Joachim von Arnim, Cellbricks)
Lead questions:

Which models and structures are necessary for a multi-lateral co-creation? Which strategic developments / infrastructures are needed for a hub of ATMPs from industry perspective? What are current barriers for investing in ATMP developments?

World Café “Clinical” (Dr. Timo Nazari-Shafti, BCRT & DHZC)
Lead questions:
How would an optimal hub for ATMP development look like? Which are barriers for ATMP developments? What can we learn from other hub-like structures?
01:00 p.m.

Networking Lunch

02:15 p.m.
Results Breakouts:

World Coffee "Patients"
World Coffee "Regulatory Affairs"
World Coffee "Industry"
World Coffee "Clinical"

03:30 p.m.

Wrap up & Networking Coffee (Dr. Timo Nazari-Shafti, BCRT & DHZC; all)
04:00 p.m.

End of Conference


    Closed since 23 November 2023
    BIH-Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), Foehrer Str. 15
    13353 Berlin, Germany
    Organised by
    Germany 68
    Kazakhstan 2
    Albania 2
    Italy 1
    Total 73